Корисні посилання


Обговорення цього розділу в Google Документі або на GitHub Issues.

Стандарти відкритих даних

  1. Akoma Ntoso XML for parliamentary, legislative, judiciary documents (UN DESA)
  2. Beneficial Ownership Data Standard (OpenOwnership)
  3. General Transit Feed Specification (Google)
  4. International open government data specifications (Popolo)
  5. Fiscal Data Package (Open Knowledge International)
  6. Open Contracting Data Standard (Open Contracting Partnership)
  7. Стандарти розкриття інформації CoST (Construction Sector Transparency Initiative)

Популярні RDF словники

  1. DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative)
  2. Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) (W3C)
  3. Friend of a Friend (FOAF) (Dan Brickley, Libby Miller)
  4. ISA2 Core Core Vocabularies (ISA2)
  5. Schema.org
  6. vCard Ontology - for describing People and Organizations (W3C)
  7. Linked Open Vocabularies (Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche, Bernard Vatant)

Інші корисні посилання

  1. Creating and maintaining open standards (Porism)
  2. From Development to Adoption: Lessons from Three Open Standards (OpenNorth)
  3. Open Data Standards Directory (Center for Government Excellence at Johns Hopkins University)
  4. Open Standards for Data (Open Data Institute)
  5. W3C study of practices and tooling for Web data standardisation (W3C)
  6. Standards Lab: an open data standard toolkit (Open Data Services)